Welcome to our true-life Aeronaut Endeavor!
Welcome to our true-life Aeronaut Endeavor!

09 Dec 2023

Starting during the 1980s a mysterious soul of tremendous intellect and love for humanity built, experimented, and improved miniature models of various components to develop viable technological means which he planned to integrate into a fully operational, live-aboard, continually-flying Aeronaut Homestead. His highly creative problem-solving abilities resulted in viable solutions many years ahead of far better funded Aeronaut dreamers and even far ahead of established aerospace companies.

In fact, this effort represents the world's first and only true-life Aeronaut endeavor with near-certainty to succeed in producing a viable and nearly self-sustaining Aeronaut Homestead. And, we know that yet again, unethical people will do all they can to steal (and try to claim) these viable developments as their own (especially our power-system components), during the coming months, this website will reveal pictures and videos of progress in building one type of a true-life Aeronaut Homestead. We'll reveal one way to build a true-life Aeronaut Farm.

As part of moving this planet's population into a better future, this website and our videos will highlight several highly beneficial and highly profitable applications of technological advances as a result of true-life Aeronaut Homesteads. Benefits to society extend far beyond the immediate vicinities of Aeronaut craft and Aeronaut Communities.

We believe that the time arrived when enough good people stand ready to provide support to overcome bureaucratic obstacles! So, welcome to all who support the world's first true-life Aeronaut endeavor!

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