How Can I Support Aeronauts?
How Can I Support Aeronauts?
How to help to build Aeronaut Homesteads

I want to help. I want to support building true-life Aeronaut Homesteads. What can I do?

Several options exist to help us to build Aeronaut Homesteads. And, theses sources of fan support go into our effort to build the world's first full-scale, true-life, live-aboard Aeronaut Homestead... which everyone wants to see completed as soon as possible.

1) Our Aeronaut fan page on Patreon at

Here, fans support us by selecting which monthly donation they want to provide. Donations purchase raw materials, tools, supplies, and help to enable our activities that increase awareness as we work to build our full-sized live-aboard Aeronaut Homestead.

2) Our YouTube channel at

As our fans view each of our videos that we post to our Aeronauts YouTube channel, YouTube's algorithm starts to suggest our videos to more people. As this happens, we gain more fans and more supporters. More fans and more supporters will help us to provide what everyone wants to see soonest... a live-aboard Aeronaut Homestead that you might be able to find a way to visit in person.

3) Our books (e-books, paperback, hardcover, and audiobooks)

If you desire to make an investment by buying a book (that supports this good cause), then buying our short stories and novels available on and other platforms will accomplish exactly that. Some of our titles include:

(soon-to-publish) Adventures of...

4) Our Aeronaut-related Wearable Merchandise

Many fans requested that we start to sell shirts, hats, sweaters, bags, and more with Aeronaut-related images and text. Some places you can find these include:
